Marketing & Strategy Execution.
75k+ Mailing List (Sends Weekly).

25k TT Subs (Content auto replicated to FB, YT, LI, Insta, Twitter)
Every post is paid promoted for growth, limited organic engagement, stopped posting for 60 days.
The repurposed platforms see very little traffic. The YT does drive some SEO.
34 Community Members (here)
StartUp To ScaleUp : My 1:Many community for first time founders.
New site in progress
12 High Value 1:1 Clients (here)
New site in design
Book deal. Jan ’24.
I want 🙂
Own, operate, ideate, manage and drive all my digital, social and other programming:
(a) A structured, cadence driven social program that enables reuse of content across platforms and builds my omni channel presence intelligently.
(b) Aggressive marketing program (paid and organic) to drive subscribers (all channels) to the newsletter.
(c) Retargeting to visitors across the service catalogue to drive subsequent services (flywheel).
(d) Want a focus on my face/brand > to capture value prior to book release and the general recognition / awareness of the brand (StartUp To ScaleUp <> my face)
Let’s build together!